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Fall of the Dreamer Page 2

  The jingle of the bells on the door startled me and I dropped the book, losing my place. Frustrated, I stood up with a fake grin plastered across my face, looking up at our newest customer. His piercing blue eyes and wide smile sent goose bumps racing over my skin.

  Chapter Two

  “Surprise!” Cameron’s warm voice echoed through the little room, snapping me from my daze.

  Running towards him, I threw my arms around his neck. He lifted me to kiss me softly on the lips, then with more force as he lowered me towards the ground. Despite my feet finding the carpet, my body and mind still felt as though I was floating. His strong arms wrapped me up in a tight hug and after one last soft kiss, he released me just enough for me to look him in the eyes.

  “What are you doing here already?” I asked, breathless.

  “Tomorrow night I’ll have to share you with everyone else, but if I steal you tonight I’ll have you all to myself.” The way he looked into my eyes with such confidence melted my heart. “I have to go and get some things organised, but I couldn’t wait till this afternoon to see you. I’ll pick you up at three?”

  “Ah, young love,” proclaimed Mr. Nolan as he came through the doorway, closely followed by Harper.

  I let go of Cameron’s hands and stepped back. “I’ll see you at three. I can’t wait.”

  With a quick peck on the cheek, Cameron disappeared in a chiming of bells through the doorway, and I proceeded to take Mr Nolan’s payment. Taking cash felt strange after all of the wrist-swiping I’d done at the Sandhaven Supermarket, but I appreciated what Harper was trying to do. I told Mr. Nolan to have a lovely day and, as he left, my cheeks began to ache from the smile spreading across my face.

  When three o’clock came around, I was ready to leave after spending the afternoon cleaning, stocking shelves, trying to find my place again in the interpretation book and talking with Harper to pass the time. Cameron’s robust figure appeared outside the door.

  “Have a great night,” Harper called out as I left, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

  “See you tomorrow night.” I pulled open the noisy door to greet Cameron once again with a warm hug and soft kiss.

  Hand in hand, we walked along the path that ran beside the Sandhaven Park and talked about our days since his last visit. The sun was still warm, but there was a coolness to the breeze, and Cameron pulled me closer to him. Making our way through the park towards the beach, we walked home along the beachfront. The tide was out, leaving the glassy wet sand to reflect the sunlight. An older couple walked hand-in-hand in front of us.

  “That’ll be us one day,” said Cameron.

  I smiled back at him, letting my mind wander into the possibilities of our future. Did he really see that for us? I hadn’t looked that far ahead. Could we really be married one day, with kids and a house of our own? The way I felt in that moment, I couldn’t imagine a future any different.

  When we arrived home the house was empty; even Joe wasn’t home.

  “So… we have the house all to ourselves,” said Cameron.

  “So we do. Where did you send poor Joe?” I asked.

  “He’s gone to the tavern and won’t be back until after five. He promised.”

  Cameron took my hand and led me up towards my bedroom. Walking backwards, he guided me towards the bed before swiftly picking me up and laying me down. Laying gently beside me, he stroked my hair.

  “I’ve missed you. It feels like forever since we had time together.” His piercing eyes trapped my gaze.

  “Maybe I can come see you during the week sometime? I could stay at your place so we can see more of each other,” I suggested.

  His grin fell away, and he dropped his stare. “You’d get bored. I’d be at work most of the time. I like coming out here and visiting you all. It’s much nicer out here near the beach compared to the city.”

  He leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away. “Anyone would think you were hiding something from me. You never want me to come visit you.”

  He leaned forward over me, kissing my neck gently. “You don’t really think I’m hiding something, do you?”

  His kisses pushed my rebuttal away.

  Content and quiet I lay on Cameron’s chest breathing in his scent and listening to the beat of his heart as it calmed. He brushed a piece of hair from my face, giving me a quick kiss before sitting up.

  “You should go for a shower. We have a booking at six o’clock, and at the rate we’re going we’ll never get there.” His cheeky grin made me curious.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere special.”

  “But what do I wear?” Anxiety fell over me as I paraded my limited wardrobe through my mind.

  “Sarah helped me take care of that during her lunch break. Now go for a shower.”

  Excitement bubbled through me as I did as he asked.

  Refreshed and wrapped in a towel, I returned to the bedroom. Cameron looked very handsome in a black suit and a white shirt adorned with a blue tie. His blonde hair was brushed neatly to the side. On the bed lay a lacy blue dress.

  “It’s beautiful,” I gasped, reaching out to touch it.

  “It’ll look even more beautiful when the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met is wearing it.” He stood behind me and kissed my neck, sending a tingling sensation over my skin. “I’ll head down to the kitchen while you finish getting ready.”

  A quick kiss, and he disappeared through the doorway. I had no idea where we were headed, but his expensive tuxedo and my beautiful new dress made me nervous. I guessed it would be some expensive restaurant where I’d feel uncomfortable and odd. I took a deep breath in an attempt to push the nerves aside and began blow-drying my hair.

  I tried to imagine us sitting at a small table in an extravagant restaurant, fancy people all around us, talking in their fancy voices and using their fancy words. Then there would be me, awkward and saying all the wrong things. I shook those thoughts from my mind and concentrated on the task at hand. Cameron may’ve grown up in that world, but he knew me, and he knew what I liked.

  Once my hair was done and I’d applied my makeup, I slid on the blue dress. It hugged me comfortably around the chest and stomach, then fell away to my knees in a flattering way. I zipped it up the side and stood admiring myself in the mirror. Is that really me? Was Amelia Bailey wearing this beautiful dress and about to go on a dream date with the most attractive, caring, amazing man she’d ever met? The nerves began to creep in once again and a hard swallow gave me the courage to slide on some black shoes and walk out the door.

  As I approached the bottom of the stairs, Cameron stood up from his stool at the kitchen counter, staring in amazement. A warm flush flooded my cheeks. On the other side of the counter stood Joe, who looked just as shocked.

  “You look…” began Joe.

  “Beautiful!” finished Cameron and with a quick look in Joe’s direction he came over and took my hand, giving me a twirl. “How did I end up with such a gorgeous girlfriend?” The question made me feel awkward. “Shall we go on our date, Miss Bailey?” Cameron took my hand in the crook of his arm.

  I shot him an annoyed look. “Please don’t call me that.”

  Miss Bailey had been what Doctor Muller, the Psychiatrist at the MMC ward, had called me, and it still sent a shiver down my spine. I hated that something so small could still affect me, but it did nonetheless.

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think.” His cool demeanour changed into one of awkwardness.

  I kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t be sorry, this is amazing.”

  He wrapped me in his arms, and again our lips were pressed together.

  “Okay, okay, please go now. You two are making me nauseous,” said Joe.

  “Me too,” announced Sarah as she stepped through the front door. “And I only just got home. You, my friend, look beautiful.”

  I curtsied, holding the hem of my dress out, and gave her an excited smile. “Why, thank you.”

  After Cameron gave me one last twirl at Sarah’s request, we walked out the front door and proceeded to walk along the path beside the house that led towards the beach.

  “Where are we going?” I was confused at our direction. All there was the way we were headed was sand and salty water.

  “You’ll see.” His eyes widened as he smiled. “You should probably take those shoes off.”

  I did as he said, and we continued along the path as it led through the tall trees and grass. The wooden slats changed to sand beneath our feet and, as we walked onto the open beach, I was in awe of the clear night sky. The moon hung bright, glistening on top of the water’s surface that gently rippled. Millions of stars dotted the darkness. As I breathed in the briny air, I looked along the beach and noticed a small fire burning not far away. The sight of it made me uneasy, making my muscles tense. An image of peering through the front door of Dawn’s small house, her kitchen and lounge room awash with molten colours and thick with smoke, flashed before me.

  Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, sending the memory to the back of my mind, and I let Cameron lead me towards it. Next to it, a blue tartan picnic rug was laid out over the sand, and a wicker picnic basket sat in the corner. I tried to relax, telling myself I was where I was most comfortable. At the beach.

  “This is perfect,” I said as he helped me down onto the soft rug before sitting across from me, opening the lid of the basket.

  I positioned myself so my back was to the flames, telling myself if I couldn’t see them, I’d be fine.

  “Wait till you see what we have to eat.”

  He pulled out two wine glasses and an icy bottle of champagne, pouring us each a glass. He handed one to me and I took a sip, its sweetness and bubbles instantly relaxing my shoulders, helping me ignore t
he flames dancing behind me. He then pulled out a container filled with various finger foods. Spring rolls, stuffed mushrooms, sushi rolls, and pastries I didn’t know the name of.

  We drank champagne and ate the delicious food. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Cameron revealed a dessert of strawberries and dipping chocolate. Once full, we lay together on the rug, enjoying the cool breeze and the clear night sky dotted with silver stars.

  Cameron placed the last strawberry between my teeth and I took a bite, savouring the taste of the sweet berry covered in rich smooth chocolate. I watched as the soft wisp of smoke ascended into the sky, and the crackle of the fire harmonised with the water gently lapping at the shore. It annoyed me how relaxed I could be next to it. How it could lull me into a false sense of security when I knew the damage it could cause? That it was capable of taking a life.

  “Are you okay?” Cameron noticed the shift in my mood, and I attempted to put on a grin and ignore how I felt.

  “Of course! This is great.” I tried to relax and nuzzled into Cameron’s chest, mimicking his rhythmic breathing.

  “No, something’s wrong.”

  “It’s just the fire. It’s probably stupid, but I don’t like being around fire anymore. Not after what happened with…” I looked down at my lap, tracing the lace patterns with my finger.

  “Oh God, I’m such an idiot. What was I thinking? Here, I’ll put it out.”

  He jumped up and began throwing sand on top of the fire to dull its flames, until it disappeared into a tall cloud of smoke rising into the air.

  “I really am sorry,” he said as he returned to the rug and lay next to me.

  “Don’t be sorry.”

  “I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” I turned to look into his brilliant eyes. “Tonight is so special. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.”

  Leaning into him, I pressed my lips against his, and my mind seemed to pause until he pulled his lips from mine with a smile. I found it easier to relax now the fire was out.

  “I love you,” he said.

  I paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. Had he meant to say them? His eyes made me believe he had. A strange feeling came over me, a tingling sensation that brought excitement. And I found the courage to say the same words back to him.

  “I love you, too.”

  He leaned forward and kissed me, and all of the energy spread from my lips to my toes. I couldn’t remember a time I’d been so happy. We lay together, talking and laughing, unable to wipe the grins from our faces.

  “Better get you home, you have a big day tomorrow.” He helped me up from the rug.

  We packed what was left of our small picnic into the basket and made our way back to the house. As the path drew closer towards my home, it felt as though I was moving between a dream and reality, the bright lights beckoning me back to the real world with squinted eyes.

  Chapter Three

  As I walked along the moonlit beach, the sand squelched beneath my bare feet. My dress flowed behind me with the gentle breeze, and I brushed a piece of hair from my face. A gust of wind sent goosebumps racing over my skin, and I hugged myself for warmth. In the distance I could see a ball of light. Curiosity drew me towards it, and I looked around to make sure I was alone. As I walked closer, I realised the light was in fact a large fire, burning with great intensity. The heat warmed my face, and I stared into the oranges and yellows as they twisted and entwined together. Hypnotizing me, it beckoned me to take a step closer. A strong wind blew through, feeding the flames, and it grew even more intense. I turned to leave but found myself surrounded by a wall of flames. Staring at me from inside them was a ghostly face. I leaned forward to try to make out who it was, afraid of who it might be. As I got closer, my face began to burn, and the figure reached out towards me, begging me to save it…

  “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Amelia!” Sarah and Joe burst through the door, singing as loud as their voices would allow.

  I awoke abruptly, sitting up in bed, waking Cameron with a fright.

  “Sorry! We didn’t mean to scare you,” Sarah apologised.

  Shaking off my dream, I forced myself to smile. “I’m shocked, not scared. What on earth are you two doing?”

  “We’ve brought you breakfast in bed,” she replied. “We thought since you’re getting old, you’d appreciate it. Sorry Cam, there’s only enough for Amelia.”

  “That’s okay, she’s the birthday girl. Happy birthday,” said Cameron, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  Joe placed a plate of bacon and eggs on my lap and handed me a knife and fork with a smile. “Your tea will be up in just a moment, madam. Enjoy your breakfast.” And with a cheeky wink, he left the room.

  “So how does it feel to be nineteen?” Sarah loved that I was older than her, even if it was only by a few months.

  “The same as it did when I was eighteen,” I replied. “But you’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Me? I’m turning eighteen again this year. Didn’t I tell you?” She leaned in for a tight hug.

  “Your tea madam.” Joe placed a steaming mug on the bedside table before running back out of the room and returning with presents. “And these are from Sarah and me.”

  He placed two gifts on the blanket that rested across my lap. I picked up the bigger of the two. It was wrapped in brown paper with a yellow ribbon around its centre. Peeling off the sticky tape I pulled back the paper.

  “Just rip into it,” said Joe.

  “I’m getting there,” I replied as I revealed the gift inside.

  A yellow dress was folded neatly in the brown paper and I lifted it by its straps. It was silky and soft with a delicate floral print.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said looking at Sarah, knowing she would’ve picked it for me.

  “I knew you’d love it,” she beamed.

  “Go on, open the one I picked,” pushed Joe.

  Once again, I took my time, folding back the brown paper until it revealed a small jewellery box. I lifted it from the wrapper and pulled back the lid. Inside was a simple chain, with a small heart pendant, adorned with a diamond. My birthstone.

  “Wow, this is really nice.” I smiled turning to show Cameron.

  “That’s a beautiful gift,” he said, giving me a tight smile.

  Sarah came to my side and gave me a tight squeeze. “Here, I’ll put it on for you.”

  I turned so she could clasp it together at the back of my neck and ran my fingers over its cool smooth surface as it rested on my chest.

  “Thank you both so much. You’ve made me feel very special.” I gave Sarah another squeeze.

  “You are special,” said Joe.

  I felt Cameron move beside me.

  “We better leave you to your breakfast. See you when you come downstairs,” said Sarah, and she led Joe out of the room.

  I turned to face Cameron who’d been waiting patiently beside me.

  “You’ve been spoilt. Happy Birthday,” he said.

  After breakfast in bed, I joined Cameron in the shower. We decided to head out and spend the day being tourists, visiting the National Park on the outskirts of Sandhaven. We stopped at the magical blue lagoon waterfall that was nearby, and enjoyed lunch at the Waterfalls Café, before returning to Sandhaven to relax on the grass by the beach for the afternoon. We laughed, talked, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. As the late afternoon approached, we returned to the house to shower, determined to be ready before Sarah and Joe arrived home.

  As we approached the double glass door at the Sandhaven Tavern it slid open, revealing the large entrance. We stepped through, and a broad bouncer held out his scanner. Smiling at each other, Joe and I pulled out our ID cards and he scanned them with his machine.

  “The two of you are the only ones I ever see come through here with these old things. Wouldn’t it be easier to just get a Wristochip?” asked the bouncer.

  “We like to be different,” replied Joe as the bouncer handed us back our ID cards, shaking his head.

  Cameron and Sarah scanned their wrists, and we headed towards the bar.