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Arcadia Page 3

Seth groaned but Ebony stepped forward passing her gun to Richy followed by a hesitant Seth.

  “And the second?” asked Seth.

  “You have to answer any questions I have about my birth parents,” I demanded.

  Seth hesitated before answering. “I have my own condition.”

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “I'll tell you everything you want to know, but I won't talk about how I lost them.” He swallowed hard.

  I couldn't blame him for not wanting to relive the death of his family. The memories of my mother's murder and gripping onto my father while he almost bled to death still haunted me. “Deal.”

  “It's settled then,” said Braven. “We've wasted enough time on top of this damned mountain. It's about time we started making our way down to… where are we headed?”

  Richy slung his own gun over his shoulder, Ebony and Seth's weapons now tucked away out of sight. “We head down towards the valley tucked between the trees down towards the right, and on the other side, you'll get your first glimpse of an Earth city. Or the remnants of one.”

  “We're going to the city?” asked Ebony stepping closer to Seth. “Do you know what sort of people live in the city?”

  “I do,” replied Richy. “But I've spoken to Braven and we believe it's worth the risk to get up to Arcadia as quick as possible.”

  “You mean the floating city Arcadia?” asked Ebony, her eyes wide.

  We all shot Richy a, shut your mouth, look.

  “If they're travelling with us they're going to find out where we're going eventually,” he said. “When we get to the city, if we stay low and quiet we shouldn't have any problems.”

  “You've heard how our journey's been up to this point, right?” I asked him. “We haven't exactly had a smooth run.”

  “Let's hope our lucks changing,” Braven took Vega's hand.

  Seth tensed his jaw and I couldn't help but think Braven was going to be proven wrong. I wanted to know more about my birth parents, but I wouldn't hesitate to leave Seth and Ebony behind if they so much as breathed the wrong way. Friends before blood.

  Chapter Four

  My knees and hips ached as we trudged down the steep side of the mountain the ground abruptly turning from grass to rock and back again as we travelled. I'd thought going down would be easier than our ascent but my throbbing body begged to differ. As we reached the bottom a few hours later, I couldn't shake the new weight settling on my shoulders. Seth was my problem now. If he did anything to risk the lives of my friends it'd be on me. He'd avoided me during our decline, sticking close to Ebony who appeared more relaxed being with us than she had the times I'd seen her at the Freedom Camp.

  When we reached the bottom, we stopped for a quick snack and drink before following Braven and Richy towards dense bushland. The greenery and shade were more than welcome after our time spent in the desert beneath Eden. I enjoyed the cool, dampness of the air reminding me of the time we spent trekking through the rainforest further north. When our team of rebels were still all together. After experiencing controlled temperatures and weather on Utopia it was a rude awakening being in the heat and humidity. But I was beginning to realise for every harsh landscape, there was a completely opposite one that was just as gruelling.

  It wasn't long before we caught sight of a wide river and Richy lead us towards its bank where we sat on the thick grass to rest.

  “How much further until we see the city?” I asked, leaning back on my palms, stretching my throbbing legs out in front of me.

  “Another day I'd say. We've made good ground. I think we should rest here tonight and in the morning we'll cross the river and head towards the outskirts of the city.”

  “Cross the river?” Fletcher's voiced pitched in the middle.

  “Is crossing the river going to be a problem? I assumed you could swim, but I guess you don't do much swimming on the floating cities,” said Richy.

  Ebony moved a little closer at the mention of the floating cities eliciting an eye roll from Seth.

  “Vega and I have tried before, just once,” said Braven.

  “Tried being the operative word. You should've seen Braven.” I laughed, remembering the time he'd paddled his way out to the waterfall in the rainforest with Lark and Domino. His butt kept floating to the surface forcing his face into the water.

  “Yup, bubble butt isn't going to sink anytime soon,” said Vega.

  “At least I tried. These three haven't swum before.” Braven pointed between Fletcher, Maya and me.

  “I would've if I didn't have a busted arm at the time,” I protested.

  Fletcher had grown pale during our conversation.

  “Lost for words Fletcher?” Braven smirked. “That's not like you.”

  “It doesn't make sense to me. If we were supposed to swim we'd have flippers or something,” he said.

  “And if we were supposed to fly we'd have wings, right? You spent your life on a flying city,” said Vega.

  “Yeah, well, being on the floating city was different. I didn't know any better.”

  “It's not hard, you'll be fine.” Ebony's voice made the group fall quiet and she shied away from the awkward blanket of silence falling over us.

  “She's right,” said Richy. “It's not hard. Plus, you'll be able to walk out a fair way before you have to swim if you have to swim at all. It's not running fast so you won't be washed downstream.”

  “It could wash me downstream?” Fletcher asked.

  “We'll do it together. If these two can do it, how hard can it be?” I patted Fletcher on the back.

  “You'll be fine Fletcher.” Braven slapped him on the shoulder. “Let's go find some wood, Richy's going to teach us how to make a fire so we'll be warm through the night.”

  “Seth can hunt,” Ebony piped up again.

  Seth shot her a glare and mumbled, “shut up.”

  “Can he?” Braven eyed him over, practically drooling at the thought of real food. Jerky, dried fruit and bread wasn't cutting it.

  “Yeah, I can hunt,” replied Seth. “But not without my weapon.”

  Braven looked at me waiting for a reaction but I remained neutral. “Come help Fletcher, Richy and me collect wood and we'll think about it.”

  Seth stood with a groan, Ebony motioning him to follow them. He followed a still pale Fletcher and the other guys towards the tree line.

  “Girls can collect wood too you know,” called Vega.

  “Consider this payment for not giving you those foot massages,” Braven responded.

  “Damn, I was looking forward to my massage,” sighed Maya.

  “Did you really want your brother to massage your feet?” I asked.

  “No. But I loved watching him freak out about it.”

  “How about we set up the guys swags for them. I'm looking forward to the warmth of a fire tonight,” said Vega.

  “Who thought we'd want warmth after trekking across a desert,” I replied.

  “But the nights were so cold,” replied Maya with a shiver. “We didn't all have someone to keep us warm.”

  My cheeks reddened and I turned to unroll Fletcher's bed.

  “I can help,” offered Ebony.

  Maya, Vega and I exchanged a glance. You had to give the girl some credit, she was awkward, but she was trying to fit in. I supposed she hadn't had much chance to socialise with people other than those at Brent's camp.

  “Do you and Seth have anything to sleep on?” I asked.

  “No, we stayed in hidden places set up by Brent on the way here. I'd show you where they are but it wouldn't be safe. In a few days he'll work out we aren't coming home and he'll send scouts out to find our bodies,” she said.

  “By then I'm sure we'll be far away from here. You seemed keen to be away from the camp. What's your story?” pried Vega.

  “Seth told me I need to stop being so friendly and play it cool.” Ebony twisted her mouth.

  “Yeah well, if I can give you any piece of advice. Don't listen to anything
that tool bag tells you,” said Vega.

  “Vega,” scolded Maya.

  “What?” said Vega.

  “Seth's her friend. And Aurora's…” Maya trailed off.

  “She can call him anything she likes as far as I'm concerned. We might be related by blood but after everything he did to Braven and me…” I drew in a breath to squash down my anger. “Anyway, he's not here and you look old enough to make your own decisions.”

  “How old are you?” Maya asked.

  Ebony nodded as though giving herself permission to answer. “Seventeen.”

  “You're a year older than him anyway. Technically you should be telling him what to do,” said Maya.

  “I guess you're right. But he was higher in Brent's command at the camp. I guess I see him as more of a leader. Seth's been my protector ever since he found me.”

  “How did he find you?” I asked.

  “I've only been at the camp for two years. I was living with my parents in the mountains much further south from here and we'd been living there happily with a small group of survivors for as long as I could remember.” She smiled at the memory. “The winters were freezing cold and sometimes we'd get snow. One day, during the year I turned fifteen, mum asked me to make the trek down the mountain to trade some of our food for more luxurious items with another group who lived there. They were explorers and would send scouts out to see what they could find among the cities and towns of the old earth. It was the first time mum had entrusted me with something important and I was excited to go.

  “It took me all day to walk down to the other village, and I traded some of the goods she'd given me for a room at a family friend's cottage, planning to trade the rest the following day before starting on my way back home. During the night I was awoken by the lady of the house who was screaming. 'Fires! Fires on the mountain!” Smoke filled the air outside and huge plumes of thick smog rose high above the mountain. I took off, running up the mountain, running back to my parents. But the smoke grew thicker and my breath grew heavier. I couldn't navigate my way through the trees and before long heat filled the air growing so intense I couldn't push myself any further. I collapsed to the ground struggling to breathe. Someone appeared in the smoke, lifted me over their shoulder and started taking me back down the hill. When I awoke I was far from the mountain which was consumed by fire.”

  “The person who carried you off the mountain… it was Seth?” asked Maya.

  Ebony wiped the tears welling in her eyes. “He saved my life. Two days later rains came, putting the flames out. He'd begged me to go back with his team of scouts to the Freedom Camp but I couldn't go without knowing for sure my parents were gone. He let his team go ahead to tell Brent what had happened and took me back to the small village I'd grown up in. Nothing remained, and it was obvious my parents couldn't have survived. I let him guide me back to the camp. He's been protecting me ever since.”

  “You poor thing, I couldn't imagine going through something so terrible.” Maya's hand rested over her heart.

  “It wasn't easy, but I have fond memories of living on the mountain. And I'm grateful Seth found me,” she said.

  “But he took you to his horrible camp,” said Vega.

  “It wasn't horrible at first. Brent was warm and welcoming. Gave me a home, a job, food and clothing. But after the first six months he started training me, grooming me to follow his religion and orders. I hadn't grown up with religion and found it difficult to believe in a god who would allow all of this to happen to the world,” she said.

  “Well, I don't believe in prophets or gods, but I do know humans are responsible for the events that destroyed the earth,” I said.

  “What are you talking about Ebony?” Seth appeared among the trees with the others, arms laden with logs and sticks.

  “Girl talk, nothing concerning you boys,” Vega replied.

  Seth eyed Ebony over, and she offered him a shrug before he dropped his load of wood on the pile the others had made. Richy beckoned Seth to follow him to the river.

  “Everything okay here?” asked Braven.

  “Yup, we set up everyone's beds,” I replied. “How did everything go with you guys?”

  “Good,” said Braven as Richy and Seth approached the group with armfuls of smooth stones. “Can I have Seth's gun, Richy? We're going to see if we can find something to eat for dinner.”

  “You sure?” Richy replied.

  “I'm sure, I'm hungry and hanging out for something more substantial than jerky. I'll be watching him the whole time and if there's any trouble I'll stun him.” Braven grinned.

  “You can't stun someone when you've been shot dead,” Vega reminded him.

  “Touché,” he replied. “But I'm hungry enough to risk it. Plus, you'll have his little girlfriend back here. He won't risk her being harmed will you Seth?”

  “Never,” Seth replied keeping eye contact with Ebony.

  “And my big strong friend here will protect me,” he patted Fletcher hard on the back.

  Fletcher pushed him away and punched him in the chest. At least colour had returned to his cheeks.

  “Maybe not,” said Braven rubbing the spot where Fletcher had got him.

  “Let's just do this,” said Fletcher and the three of them disappeared among the trees.

  Vega rolled her eyes before helping Richy make a ring of stones before arranging the sticks into a tent-like shape in the middle. He retrieved something from his bag and with a few strikes he lit up the pile of twigs. The fire was mesmerising and I sat close by to enjoy its warmth and watch it dancing as the sun began its descent behind the mountain allowing the cool air to sneak in. The crackles and pops of the fire and the hum of insects along with the rare splash from the stream helped me relax. I drew in a deep breath savouring the moment as a loud boom tore through the air sending birds squawking and flying above the trees.

  “Braven,” cried Vega taking off in a sprint towards the tree line.

  'Fletcher' I said to myself, launching onto my own feet in pursuit of Vega.

  Ebony stood to follow.

  “Don't even think about it,” I scolded her and she covered her mouth with her hand.

  Chapter Five

  “Look what we've got.” Braven stepped from the tree line with his chest puffed out, dragging some poor dead animal behind him.

  I slowed my run, jogging a little closer before coming to a halt, relief loosening every muscle in my body.

  Vega stopped in front of him panting before winding her arm back and punching him hard in the chest. “You idiot!”

  He dropped the dead animal and grabbed her wrist, rubbing at where she'd hit him with his other hand. “What's with everyone hitting me today? Bring you back dinner and that's the welcome I get?”

  “You bring back dinner?” Fletcher stepped beside him with Seth. “I think you'll find Seth did the shooting.”

  “We thought you'd been… I thought he'd…” Vega struggled to speak.

  Braven's eyes widened. “Oh, no. No-one got hurt. Seth shot a kangaroo. I'd like to introduce you to dinner.” He held his hands towards the animal lying on the grass.

  Vega's lips pinched together, fear still in her eyes. Braven pulled her in for a hug and she relaxed in his arms.

  Fletcher stepped towards me. “Are you okay? You've gone pale again.”

  I laughed under my breath. “You scared the crap out of us. It's fine. As long as you're fine.”

  “You were worried about me?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

  “Of course I was worried about you, you're my best friend,” I replied.

  “Ouch,” said Braven earning another punch from Vega.

  “Best friend,” repeated Fletcher clenching his jaw. “Right.” He turned and made his way over to sit by the fire.

  “What did I say?” I asked looking between Fletcher and the others.

  “Come on Seth, how about I help you carve this thing up,” suggested Richy, and he helped Seth drag the kangaroo towards th
e fire.

  I hadn't seen a kangaroo up close before, and I imagined it would've been a cute animal before the boys found it. I turned away unable to think about the animal being alive. It was food now. Food we desperately needed.

  “Why do you do that?” asked Vega.

  Braven decided it was best to sneak off and join the others.

  “Do what?” I asked.

  “Always throw in the friend thing.”

  “Umm, because we're friends,” I replied, quirking an eyebrow.

  “You know he likes you more than a friend. And you like him more than a friend too. Don't you think it hurts his feelings every time you tell him all he is to you is a friend?”

  “I didn't mean for it to upset him. I meant of course I worry about him.” I let out an exasperated breath. “I suck at this stuff. I've never had a boy interested in me. How am I supposed to attempt to work out what's going on with Fletch? He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember.”

  “You do want to be more than friends?” she asked.

  “Yes, at least, I think I do. There's so many other things going on I haven't had time to think about it. Fletch is the one person I've always been able to rely on and turn to. I don't want to lose him.”

  “Trust me. If you keep friend zoning him and not being honest about how you feel, you'll lose him anyway. Look at me and Braven.”

  “You guys are great now.”

  “Yeah after years of wasted time and wasted resentment and anger. The one thing I've learnt being down here on earth is life is crazy and you don't know how long you're going to be here. Might as well make the most of what you have.”

  I returned my gaze to Fletcher who rocked back laughing at something Maya had said. Both of us had been avoiding talking about whatever was happening between us, using all of the events and curve balls thrown our way to dodge making anything solid.

  “Who would've thought I'd end up taking relationship advice from you,” I sighed.

  “What do you mean? Like you said, Braven and I are great… now,” she said.

  The rich scent of cooking meat wafted through catching my attention, making my stomach cramp and my mouth salivate. “I think we should go make sure we don't miss out.”