Arcadia Page 4
“Did you see the size of that thing? I don't think we'll miss out,” she replied.
Moments later we were seated around the warmth of the fire, watching the sun falling towards the horizon, eating pieces of kangaroo meat. Richy had cooked it medium rare and despite its gamy flavour, it was something substantial to fill our belly's and fight off the aches in my limbs. When I was sure I couldn't fit another piece in, I made my way over to the river to wash my hands and face.
“What did you think of the kangaroo?” Fletcher's voice made me jump and I wavered between falling into the water and landing back on the water's edge.
Fletcher clasped his hands around my biceps, pulling me towards him and onto the bank.
“Always there to save me,” I said.
“I try my best,” he replied.
“Fletch… I –”
“Don't. It's my own fault. Holding hands and sleeping next to each other at night. You were seeking a friend's comfort and obviously I was reading more into it than you were,” he said picking at a strand of grass.
“You weren't,” I replied, gripping onto my pendant.
“I weren't what?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.
“You weren't reading more into it than me. I don't know what this is, but I don't think we're just friends anymore.”
His lips quirked up a little at the edges. “I'm not imagining it?”
I shook my head.
“You do like me more than your best friend?” he asked.
I met his gaze, the same grin on his lips spreading across my own.
“I can't say I'm surprised. All the girls want me.” He puffed out his chest.
I punched him firmly in the arm and he slouched back down rubbing at it.
“Exactly what I'm worried about,” I confessed.
“You're worried you'll keep punching me?” he asked.
“No, you idiot. Once this is all over and you have a hundred other girls to choose from again it'll go back to the way it was on Utopia.”
“What do you mean?”
“You'll flirt and chase around the pretty girls and I'll go back to being your best friend. I don't want to let myself like you any more than I already do because I don't want to be rejected when this is all over. You'll be a hero, and all the girls will want you. Much girlier, prettier girls than me.”
“Rora, this isn't as new for me as it is for you. I've been crushing on you since I was like ten years old. Sure, I had girlfriends and flirted with other girls because you didn't show any interest in liking anyone, especially me, as more than a friend. Maybe I'm the one who should be worried? When this is all over the real hero will be you.”
The revelation was news to me. Was I so blind I hadn't realised? It wasn't until I woke up from the airship crash and discovered I was on earth I truly realised there were other people around me. The one place where I was supposed to be scared and alone was the first place I belonged and was with people who'd keep me safe.
“What now?” I asked him.
He took both of my hands in his, and heat flushed through my limbs. “Nothing.”
“We both know where we stand. It's all I wanted to know. But can I ask for one favour?”
“Of course.”
“Stop telling everyone were just friends.”
“Deal,” I replied.
As he leant in towards me his eyes fluttered closed and I found myself doing the same. My lips tingled with the anticipation as he leaned in closer until his warm breath brushed against my skin. My hands tightened their grip on his…
“Oh crap, sorry,” Braven's voice forced my eyes open and I sat up straight with a start.
“Really?” groaned Fletcher.
Braven held up his greasy hands. “Wanted to clean up. It's getting dark you know, I couldn't see you two over here making out.”
“We aren't making out,” I argued.
Braven opened his mouth wide. “You were about to… and I… crap, Vega's going to murder me.”
Fletcher stood up offering to help me do the same. I rose to my feet and Fletcher pulled me in tight as Braven stepped past us towards the river. Despite the interruption, I couldn't stop the grin spread across my face and the way my body tingled.
“I am sorry,” said Braven before splashing water over his face. “Can we not tell Vega about this?”
“Can you hear that?” asked Fletcher, narrowing his eyes.
“I said I'm – “ started Braven.
“No. The sound,” he said.
A distant whup of a helicopter caught my attention. “It's a helicopter.”
“Are you sure?” asked Braven.
“Richy! There's a helicopter!” I called freeing myself from Fletcher's grasp.
Richy rose from his place fussing around the fire and the group fell deathly quiet. “It's some miles away but I think we best put out this fire and sleep in under the trees.”
Each of us sprang into action, putting out the fire and shifting our bedrolls and bags a few meters inside the tree line. The echo of the helicopter's blades still hovered in the distance as we tucked ourselves into our beds under the cover of trees.
“I'll stay up and keep watch, Richy, you can do the second shift,” instructed Braven.
“No problem mate, wake me if you start getting tired,” said Richy.
“If you get tired, I can do the early morning shift,” offered Fletcher.
“That'd be great,” said Richy. “If anyone hears those choppers getting louder let me know. The tree cover is okay but if they get any closer we might need to head further into the bush. They seem to be sweeping back and forth over the mountain.”
“Who do you think it is?” asked Maya.
“It'll be the Floating City Guard. There's no reason the military would have their helicopter out this far,” replied Richy.
“They fly over the Freedom Camp sometimes don't they Seth? Never bothered us though,” said Ebony, settling down in a bed of blankets she'd borrowed from the rest of us.
“Yeah, sometimes,” Seth replied, barely hiding his agitation at her willingness to offer us information.
“I'm sure we'll be fine. Get some sleep. We'll try to make it to the city tomorrow,” said Richy.
Fletcher wriggled closer towards me, brushing a loose strand of hair from my cheek.
“I know who it is,” I whispered.
“Who, who is?”
“The person in the helicopter. It's Officer Banks, and I can bet he's looking for me.”
He pulled me closer to wrap me in his warm arms. “Let him come find us. After everything he's done, I'd love to get my hands on him.”
“You know when Tyler shot Lula I found it hard to process. How could someone so good do something so bad? But maybe the real reason it affected me was because if I was put in the same situation with the chance to kill the man who took my dad away from me, ordered my mother's murder, and shot someone who was trying to help my dad do the right thing… I'd do exactly what Tyler did.” I swallowed down the tightness in my throat and Fletcher responded to my tensing body by hugging me tighter.
“You're a strong, beautiful, albeit sometimes stubborn and smart-mouthed, girl Aurora Adams. And I promise Officer Banks will get what he deserves for everything he's done to you,” he said.
I leaned back to look him in the eye. “No, I can't have anyone else hurt because of decisions my father made. This is my fight.”
“I don't know if you've noticed but we're all here fighting right beside you.”
Fletcher leant in, pressing his lips against mine. Warmth flooded through me, relaxing every muscle in my body. When he pulled away I stared into his caramel eyes.
“I've waited to kiss you for almost six years.” He pressed his nose against mine closing his eyes. “It was well worth the wait.”
Chapter Six
The gold of the sun was beginning to streak across the sky the following day when Braven woke us. I'd fallen into a deep and bl
issful sleep with Fletcher holding me close, but he was now busy packing his bag and folding up his bedroll.
“Rise and shine,” he chimed.
“Morning,” I rubbed at my sleepy eyes. “Couldn't we have a sleep in just once? I was having the best sleep I've had in ages.”
“Bit of smooching will do that,” Braven chided.
My cheeks grew warm and I rose from my bed, ignoring Braven's comment.
“What? Are you two?” questioned Ebony, earning herself a glare from Seth. “Sorry, it's just. At the Freedom Camp, I thought Aurora had a thing with Tyler.”
“You were supposed to think we were interested in each other,” I replied. “But Tyler only had eyes for Maya.”
“He had no choice. She practically threw herself at him,” said Fletcher.
“I did not. Well, not really. He never told me not to.” She crossed her arms with a harrumph.
“Wait. You two are together.” Ebony pointed between Vega and Braven. “Aurora and Fletcher have something going on and Maya and Richy have nothing going on because Maya likes Tyler.”
“Excuse her, she likes to think she knows all the gossip. Ebony, you're not in the Freedom Camp anymore.” Seth ran his hands through his cropped red hair. “And you're forgetting Tyler was the one who murdered Lula in cold blood.”
“It wasn't like that,” bit Maya.
“You're denying he killed her?” questioned Seth.
“No. But it's more complicated than that and you know it,” she replied.
“I didn't mean to start an argument, I was just curious. This is much more interesting than the Freedom Camp,” Ebony interrupted. She paused for a moment before speaking again, her curiosity getting the best of her. “Were any of you together before you came to earth? Or did your trials bring you together?”
“Okay, enough talk about relationships.” Richy swung his packed backpack onto his shoulders. “Are you all ready?”
“Let's do this,” replied Braven.
Laden with our backpacks it was only a few strides before we were at the edge of the river.
“You'll have to lift your bag over your heads to try and stop it from getting too wet,” instructed Richy. “I'll go first to find out how deep it is and you guys can follow.”
“Are you sure we can't build a bridge or something?” asked Fletcher.
“Building a bridge would take weeks. We don't have weeks or even days,” replied Richy.
Maya's hand trembled, wrapped tight around her bags straps. “Maybe we can go across in teams?”
“At least I'm not the only one scared of the river,” said Fletcher.
“I'm not scared,” she defended.
“No? Then why is your skin a sickly colour?” asked Fletcher.
“Keep going and I'll dunk your head in the river,” she growled.
Fletcher held his hands up in defence. “Fine, fine. Let's go across in teams of two.”
“Great idea. I've got Aurora, Vega can have Maya, Richy can have Ebony and you two boys can go together.” Braven said pointing towards Fletcher and Seth.
Fletcher shot Braven an agitated look and Seth didn't look impressed either as he sauntered over to stand closer to Fletcher.
“Play nice,” Vega whispered to Fletcher.
Fletcher replied with a loud exhale and an eye roll.
“What about our clothes? We'll be walking the rest of the way sopping wet,” said Maya.
“We could strip down to our underwear,” suggested Ebony.
“No way,” I argued.
“It's not a bad idea,” replied Braven. “Strip down to your underwear and we'll put our clothes back on once we're across.”
“Of course you think it's a great idea,” groaned Vega, dropping her backpack on the grass and sliding her shirt over her head.
Exchanging an awkward glance with Fletcher I turned towards the river before sliding off my shirt and pants. He'd seen me in my underwear before, but after our conversation the night before, being half naked near him felt entirely different. He wasn't looking at me like a friend anymore. Although if what he'd said was true it'd been some time since he'd looked at me as just a friend. Squashing my clothing into my bag I zipped it back up and turned around hugging my stomach.
“You okay?” Fletcher turned to face me wearing nothing but his underwear. His muscles were much more defined than the last time I'd looked, but he was also a little thinner. His arms, face and legs were much darker than the rest of his body and I couldn't help but smile despite knowing my skin was much the same.
“Nice tan lines muscles,” said Braven, poking at Fletcher's arm.
“Thanks, I'm going for the, do I or don't I have clothes on still look,” said Fletcher.
“I think we're all going for the same look,” whined Vega rubbing at her own tan lines. She was much thinner too and her red hair had all but disappeared, her the roots of her hair now blonde fading into a light shade of pink towards the ends.
“I think you look fine,” winked Braven.
Richy pulled off his shirt and pushed it into his bag before removing his pants. His golden tan even across his entire body. “Think you guys need to work on your pathetic tans.”
Vega's mouth dropped open, as did Maya, Ebony's and my own. Richy's attired hadn't hidden his muscular arms, but it hadn't alluded to the tight six pack hiding beneath his shirt.
“You ladies okay?” asked Braven.
“Uh huh,” answered Vega followed by a round of giggles from the girls.
“Better watch out Braven,” said Fletcher. “Looks like you're not the only one with muscles around here. Vega's tongue may as well be hanging out.”
“Didn't see Aurora averting her eyes,” bit back Braven.
“Jealousy is a curse, boys,” called out Richy as he waded into the river followed by Ebony.
Ebony had only taken a few long strides before the water was up to the nape of her neck. She was the shortest of our group, so at least the rest of us could get across without going under. Richy was the tallest, the water barely covering his torso. They each made their way easily across the river, Ebony just managing to keep her face and backpack dry in the deepest part. But once they scrambled onto the opposite bank, Richy gave Braven the thumbs up.
“Vega and Maya, you ladies can go first. Give them a moment and Fletcher and Seth can go. Of course, I left the best till last,” he turned and gave me a wink.
“You mean you wanted to watch the show,” said Vega.
“Vega, please don't.” Maya's hands were visibly shaking as she attempted to raise her bag above her head.
“You'll be fine. I'm right here,” replied Vega with a kinder tone.
Together they waded out into the water, Maya sticking as close to Vega as possible. Fletcher swallowed hard as he lifted his own backpack above his head and waded into the water after Seth. Seth strode off, leaving Fletcher to fend for himself.
“Seth, wait for Fletcher,” called Braven.
Seth turned around with an unamused expression waiting for Fletcher to catch up. Trying to get across quicker, Fletcher picked up his pace but must have misplaced his footing. He let out a screech before sinking beneath the water's surface, all we could see was his hands struggling to keep his bag dry. The water thrashed around him and I scrambled into the river, my heart sinking into my stomach. A shiver rippled through my body as I waded deeper, chilling me to the bone. Seth splashed towards Fletcher, relieving him of his bag and grabbing his arm to lift him back above the water coughing and spluttering a moment before I reached him.
“Are you okay?” I rested my hand on his reddened cheek.
Fletcher pushed my hand away, a new shade of pink spreading across his face, and his eyes hardened. “I hate swimming,” he cursed snatching his bag from Seth. “Thanks for waiting, partner.”
“What? I came back and saved your stupid ass,” snapped Seth.
“If you waited you wouldn't have had to come back at all,” returned Fletcher.
��Whatever, suit yourself. Next time you're drowning I'll leave you to it.” Seth took off towards the other side of the river and climbed onto the bank.
“Fletch…” I began as Braven arrived behind me.
“You alright Fletch?” he asked.
“Yeah, no thanks to that idiot,” he said.
“Fletch, Seth did save you,” I replied.
“Saved me? If he'd waited instead of rushing off I wouldn't have slipped.”
“I understand slipping under the water gave you a fright,” I said.
“A fright? I nearly freaking drowned.”
“You're okay, let's get out of this freezing cold water and onto the bank so we can get dry and forget it happened,” I said.
Fletcher drew in a deep breath, composing himself. “You're right, I'm fine. Let's get out of this stupid river.”
On the other side, we each dried off as best as we could as the morning sun began to warm our skin, and pulled our clothes and boots back on.
“Please tell me there are no more lakes to cross,” said Maya.
“I'll do my best to avoid them,” replied Richy before swinging his backpack over his shoulders.
We all followed suit and Braven joined him in leading us away from the water.
* * *
The sun was high above us by the time we spotted the city ahead. Tall buildings reaching high into the sky, some of them much higher than the shiny building's I'd seen on the floating city of Eden. By the time the sun dipped below the trees behind us, we still had another few hours walk before we reached the city's parameters. As we pushed our way through the long grass and past thick bushes, the oranges of the sun appeared on the walls of destroyed dwellings and as we approached them I could see they were set out in rows either side of a wide cracked and buckled path.
“The suburbs,” said Richy. “These places were raided not long after the last of the waves came through. We shouldn't run into any trouble if we stay here for the night.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Ebony took a step closer to Seth and he wrapped an arm around her.
“We're not going into the city?” asked Maya.
“Not tonight. During the day the occupants will let most visitors pass without too much trouble. But at night, anyone is free game as far as they're concerned.”